US & India largest recipient of Yen carry flows since Jan’23. Previous Yen unwind trade for India had begun in 2018

Yen denominated Flows and Assets across various regions – % increase in AUM is sharpest for India

Yen unwind is a real threat for India – Similar unwind trade began in 2018 & lasted for almost 2years #StockMarket #Investment #news #FinancialNews US & India largest recipient of Yen carry flows since Jan’23. Previous Yen unwind trade for India had begun in 2018

Yen denominated Flows and Assets across various regions – % increase in AUM is sharpest for India

Yen unwind is a real threat for India – Similar unwind trade began in 2018 & lasted for almost 2years #StockMarket #Investment #news #FinancialNews

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