RCTC SAYS Will Look To Maintain Growth Rate In FY25- CNBC TV18

Will Look To Maintain Growth Rate In Tourism Biz

IRCTC SAYS Revenue Is Seasonal In Nature, But Have Managed To Maintain Same Revenue QoQ

Growth In Ticketing Segment Would Be Same As FY24

IRCTC SAYS QoQ Ticketing Revenue Is Lower Due To Seasonality

IT Margins Will Hold On At Current Levels RCTC SAYS Will Look To Maintain Growth Rate In FY25- CNBC TV18

Will Look To Maintain Growth Rate In Tourism Biz

IRCTC SAYS Revenue Is Seasonal In Nature, But Have Managed To Maintain Same Revenue QoQ

Growth In Ticketing Segment Would Be Same As FY24

IRCTC SAYS QoQ Ticketing Revenue Is Lower Due To Seasonality

IT Margins Will Hold On At Current Levels

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