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Positive for Alpex solar as they are backward integrating aluminium foil

Anti-dumping duty recommended on aluminium foil from China
The level of the provisional anti-dumping duty ranges from $ 653 to $ 873 per metric
tonne depending on the Chinese producer.
The final decision of the recommendation is taken by the Ministry of Finance.
Key Points:
 DGTR recommends anti-dumping duties on Chinese aluminium foil.
 Domestic producers led by Hindalco complained of unfair trade practices.
 Provisional duty ranges from $653 to $873 per metric tonne.
 Final decision rests with the Ministry of Finance.
 Investigation focused on foil up to 80 microns.
 Chinese imports have surged, harming domestic industry.
 Previous duties expired in 2022.
 Domestic producers have suffered losses due to increased imports.
 Imports have captured 30% of the Indian market.
 Chinese imports have increased at a much faster rate than domestic demand.

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