Closing Strong US markets last-hour rally lifted stock indexes to record highs, after they spent most of the day bumping around the breakeven line. Bond yields fell as the U.S. Treasury dialed back its borrowing estimate for the start of 2024

Oil prices had a volatile session following the latest tremors in the Middle East

Treasury announced it expects to borrow $760 billion in the January-to-March quarter, which is $55 billion lower than its October estimate. That means a lower supply of new Treasuries, helping to lift bond prices and lower bond yields. The 10-Year Treasury note yield declined 0.07 percentage point today, to 4.09%.

Next up will be details on Wednesday about how the government plans to issue that debt, in Treasuries of various short-, medium-, and long-term maturities.

First FOMC decision of 2024 on Wednesday

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