HDFCBank Q4FY24 Good Results!

Net Interest Income at ₹290.8 bn against ₹233.5 bn YoY, up 24.5% and ₹284.7 bn QoQ, up 2.61%.

Net Profit stood at ₹16,511.85 Cr against ₹12,047.45 Cr YoY, up 37.05% and ₹16,372.54 Cr QoQ, up 0.85%.

Total Deposits stood at ₹23,798 bn against ₹18,834 bn, up 26.4% YoY and 22,140 bn QoQ, up 7.5%.

Provisions stood at ₹13,511.64 Cr against ₹2,685.37 Cr YoY, up 403.15% and ₹4,216.64 Cr QoQ, 220.4%

CASA Ratio: 38.2% against 44% YoY and 38% QoQ.

Net Interest Margin: 3.4% against 4.1% YoY and 3.4% QoQ.

GNPA stood at 1.24% against 1.12% YoY and 1.26 QoQ.

NNPA: 0.33% against 0.27% YoY and 0.31 QoQ.

The Company proposed a dividend at ₹19.5 per share

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